Forced Deal Monopoly Deal Card: Frequently Asked Questions

In this guide, we’re focusing on the Forced Deal card from Monopoly Deal.

We’ll tackle common questions and offer simple strategies to get the most out of this powerful action card.

What is the Forced Deal Card?

The "Forced Deal" card being actively played in a game of Monopoly Deal

The Forced Deal card allows a player to swap a property card they own with a property card owned by another player.

The Forced Deal card can’t initiate a swap for a property that’s part of a complete set, unless explicitly stated by another action card or game rule.

Like all cards in Monopoly Deal, understanding its finer points is crucial for a strategic play.

How is the Forced Deal different from other action cards?

The unique characteristic of the Forced Deal card lies in its ability to allow players to exchange properties.

While many action cards in Monopoly Deal revolve around taking properties, demanding rent, or protecting assets, the Forced Deal is the only one that facilitates a direct swap of properties between two players, giving it a distinct position in the game’s strategic landscape.

See also: Sly Deal card FAQs.

Can I use the Forced Deal card to take a property that’s part of a full set?

No, the Forced Deal card can’t be used to snatch away a property that’s already part of a complete set.

However, if the set isn’t complete, or if there’s a specific action card or game rule allowing for it, then the property is fair game for a swap.

What happens if a player refuses or is unable to complete a Forced Deal?

A Forced Deal, as the name suggests, is compulsory.

If a player uses this card against another player, the latter must comply and swap the properties.

If, for any reason, the player can’t or refuses to, it would be a violation of the game’s rules.

Can you counter or block a Forced Deal?

Yes, players can counter a Forced Deal with a “Just Say No!” card.

This action card allows a player to refuse any action card played against them, including the Forced Deal.

If you suspect an opponent might target your properties, keeping a “Just Say No!” card handy can be a game-changer.

Does the Forced Deal card work on wildcards or special properties?

Absolutely! The Forced Deal card can be used to swap any property card, including wildcards, unless the card is part of a complete set.

Can I play multiple Forced Deal cards in one turn?

Yes, if a player has multiple Forced Deal cards in their hand, they can play more than one during their turn, with each card targeting a single property swap.

It’s a powerful move, especially when attempting to disrupt opponents or restructure your property portfolio.

Strategic Tips for Using the Forced Deal Card

A player about to play the "Forced Deal" card in a game of Monopoly Deal

Using the Forced Deal Card at the right moment can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Here are a few strategies to consider:

  1. Disrupt Almost Complete Sets:
    If you notice an opponent is just one property away from completing a set, using a Forced Deal Card to swap one of their crucial properties can be a brilliant strategy. This not only disrupts their game plan but can also give you a better position.
  2. Play Alongside a Rent Card:
    Try combining the Forced Deal Card with other action cards for maximum effect. For instance, if you use a Forced Deal to obtain a property, you can then charge rent from other players if you have the appropriate rent card, hitting players with a double blow in a single turn.
  3. Hold Until the Right Moment:
    Resist the temptation to use the Forced Deal Card as soon as you get it. Sometimes, waiting for the right strategic moment or when an opponent is vulnerable can yield much greater results than playing it immediately.
  4. Defensive Play:
    If you possess a valuable property card but lack a complete set or protective cards, consider using the Forced Deal proactively. Swap your valuable card for a less desirable one, especially if it helps you complete a full set, ensuring your opponent can’t target your prized property in their subsequent turn.

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